Posted on 1/25/2021

Hi, today we will talk about gasoline and what Octane is best for your car. Is it all about the price? Is the higher number octane better for my car? Will I damage my car using the wrong octane gasoline? Is there any difference? All good questions. The simple answer is yes it does matter. The bottom line is that your car is designed to run specific octanes. All of this is dependent on the performance level of your engine. If your car is designed to run on 87 octane, that is the fuel you should use (note: your proper octane can be found in your owner's manual or on the inside of the gas door). Higher octane gasoline is designed to resist ignition and is therefore used in performance engines with a higher compression ratio than is typically found in your average family car. This resistance to ignition is to prevent PING or SPARK KNOCK from happening inside the engine. High performance engines usually require an octane of 93 or above. Running a lower octane fuel in ... read more