Posted on 2/15/2021

"The C.E.L., I was told it's nothing, don’t worry about it!" Hi, I have heard this from customers countless times over the years. It seems as though either the internet is telling people, "don’t worry about it", or that someone in the automotive field is telling customers that, which I find hard to believe. Or perhaps some people are choosing this line of thinking all on their own. One of the reasons for this may be a misunderstanding of what the C.E.L, SERVICE ENGINE SOON, OR PICTURE OF AN ENGINE, light is for. When talking to customers about that light being on, the first thing they say is this is going to cost a lot of money! Well, maybe not. Through the years, there have been many times where these repairs turned out to be some of the least expensive repairs I've made. With that being said, there are some failed emissions components that are very expensive. This is what the C.E.L. is all about: the emissions of your ve ... read more
Posted on 2/1/2021

One of the biggest misconceptions is that a check engine light is extremely detrimental to your vehicle. While a check engine light (CEL) can mean a pretty big problem, it could also be as simple as a loose gas cap. I know I have gotten fuel from New Jersey and afterwards my CEL would come on. All I would have to do is tighten the cap or even put it on correctly in the first place, and in two short trips the light would have cleared itself. Soooooo many times I have had a customer tow in their vehicle because of a simple issue like this. They could have saved the tow bill and driven it to the shop themselves. When a CEL comes on, you can continue to drive but it is a smart idea to call your trusted repair shop and/or have your vehicle's trouble codes (DTC's) read with a scan tool to see what's causing the issue and the severity of said issue. That pesky little light may not mean the end of a road trip or that you're going to get a massive repair bi ... read more
Posted on 1/13/2021

Hi, I hope this has never happened to you, but if it has, we feel your frustration. The day starts with a cup of coffee as you get ready for work, you get into your car, and darn it, it won't start. When you get on the phone with your local auto repair center, they tell you the best way to resolve the problem is to tow the car in! When you arrive, you feel like you've entered a game of 20 questioins: Does the car crank over? Does the car crank but not start? What does that mean? Were there any running issues before this problem? And you think to yourself, why does all that matter? Just fix my car! While these and other questions may be annoying, it is important for this reason: time is money. The more info gathered, the quicker the car can be diagnoised,saving you time and money. So what is the difference, crank or start? Well crank is the rotation of the engine, a common example is, when you pull the rope on your lawn mower, you are cranking over the engine. Once ... read more
Posted on 1/12/2021

Hi,we are here today to talk about your automotive battery. While the battery sometimes gets overlooked in terms of its importance to overall vehicle health and functionality, it truly is the heart of the electrical system in your car. Through the years, there have been many advances in battery technology, however these advances do not mean that batteries don't need the occasional testing and maintenance. While there are several designs of automotive battery, two common types are the traditional flooded battery, which is the most common, and the AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat), which is more durable when it comes to vibration and is used in some higher end vehicles. It is important to note that battery types are NOT interchangeable, due to the rate at which each type charges. With that being said, some cars can be programmed to accept either type. It is recommended that you have your battery checked at least once a ... read more